ClientPoint is used to enter client-level data into NDHMIS for projects providing services to individuals and families at-risk of and experiencing homelessness. ClientPoint is where the majority of client-level information is entered into the system, and data entered there will be available to users while using other features of ServicePoint.
ClientPoint includes different tabs to streamline the data entry in to the system. The purpose of the explanations below is to attempt to explain all that NDHMIS can do for the users, agencies, CoC, State, and clients it is meant to support. We will explain features that go above and beyond the minimum baseline requirements and show how NDHMIS can be beneficial to agencies and users, as well as to the clients served.
***Please note that is document is not intended to be a training manual. If an agency is interested in the additional features available in NDHMIS, please contact ICA at to set up a time to talk through the agency's needs and schedule training.***
ClientPoint will always start the user at a Client Search screen and the user can either search for the client by Name or by Client ID, if the client already has a record in NDHMIS.
Client Profile Tab
The Client Profile Tab includes the most basic information about the client.
Households Tab
The Households tab is used to connect clients who are served in a project as a unit. If the project is working with a single individual, the Households tab is not needed.
This ROI tab is specifically for recording the NDHMIS Client Consent and Release of Information, not other agency-specific ROIs.
Entry/Exit Tab
The Entry / Exit tab is used to enter clients / households into the specific project in NDHMIS.
Case Managers Tab
The Case Managers tab can be used to include information about the specific clients case manager.
Case Plans Tab
The Case Plans tab allows the user to create goals, under specific categories and types, include descriptions of the goal, and track the progress the client is making towards the goal.
Assessments Tab
If the agency / project is collecting more information than is included on an Entry Assessment, the Assessments tab is used for additional assessments / information.
Service Transactions Dashboard
The Service Transactions Dashboard is used to record services and referrals clients receive while served in a project.