ClientPoint - EntryExit Tab

While the client record has already been created in NDHMIS, the client has not yet been entered into the specific project in NDHMIS. The Entry / Exit tab is used to enter clients / households into the specific project in NDHMIS.

The Entry / Exit tab is used to record the data for a client at Project Start and Project Exit. It is also used to record any changes to a clients information over time while still actively served in the project through the Interims. Follow-ups can also be used to record information about a client after they have exited the project.

***The importance of the accuracy and completeness of the information recorded in this section of the clients record cannot be overstated. Not only is the information in this section used for reporting it is also used to make decisions that directly affect clients. As Coordinated Entry can only use data within NDHMIS to prioritize client for services, the data in NDHMIS must be an accurate reflection of any given clients reality to accurately prioritize for the limited services available in communities. ***



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