Create a Coordinated Entry Event
Follow these instructions when making a referral to a housing program. Do not create an event unless it is part of your HMIS workflow.
- Click on Enter Data As and select the select the Housing Prioritization Assessment [CES] provider.
- Open the client's record and go to the Entry/Exit tab. Add an interim review to their Housing Prioritization Assessment [CES] row.
Screenshot: The name of the Entry/Exit program will include the words "Housing Prioritization Assessment [CES]" (A) and the Exit Date field will be empty (B). Click on the Interims icon to create a new assessment update (C).
- If referring a household, make sure to include every household member by checking the box next to their name.
- Choose the Update interim review type.
- Fill out these fields in the Event pop-up window:
- Start Date: The date that the referral was made.
- Date of Event: Same as the Start Date.
- Event: Select the option that matches the type of housing the client is being referred to: Transitional Housing (TH), Rapid Re-Housing (RRH), Joint TH-RRH, Permanent Supporting Housing (PSH), or other Permanent Housing (PH S or PH HO).
- Location of Crisis Housing or Permanent Housing Referral: Click on Lookup, then select the housing provider that the client is being referred to.
- Housing Provider Contact Details: Enter the housing provider contact’s information.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the Event pop-up window.
- Close the interim assessment by clicking on the Exit button.
ServicePoint will not automatically send a notification when a referral is made. Priority List Managers will have to manually notify the housing provider through email or another communication channel.