Record a Housing Outcome
When you have determined that a referral was successful, there are two possible outcomes to document in HMIS:
- If the client moves into housing, record a Housing Move-In Date and remove them from the Priority List.
- If the client exits your program without moving into housing, record the reason why they were not housed and update their Priority List status.
Data Entry Steps
Client Moves into Housing
When a client has been housed, it is critical that a Housing Move-In Date be entered and that the client be removed from your region's Priority List. This will prevent them from being considered for future housing opportunities in place of someone who is still experiencing homelessness.
- Click on Enter Data As and select your housing program provider.
- Open the record of the client whose outcome you are documenting. When the Back Date Mode pop-up appears, select Use Current System Date.
- Go to the Entry/Exit tab and find the client's enrollment for your housing program. Add a new interim update to that Entry/Exit, using the client's Housing Move-In Date for the Review Date.
- Record a Housing Move-In Date in the assessment. If necessary, make additional assessment updates, then click on Save & Exit.
- Back in the Entry/Exit tab, find the client's Coordinated Entry Assessment. Take the steps necessary to remove them from the Priority List.
Client Exits Program Without Moving into Housing
When a client exits a program without moving into housing, their Coordinated Entry referral must be updated one final time. Depending on the client's circumstances, it may also be appropriate to remove them from the Priority List.
- Click on Enter Data As and select your housing program provider.
- Open the record of the client whose outcome you are documenting. When the Back Date Mode pop-up appears, select Use Current System Date.
- Go to the Entry/Exit tab and find the client's enrollment for your housing program. End that enrollment to show that the client has exited your program.
- Back in the Entry/Exit tab, find the client's Coordinated Entry Assessment. Add a new interim update to that Entry/Exit, using the client's Exit Date for the Review Date.
- Make sure to set your Enter Data as to the Housing Prioritization Assessment [CES] before you exit the client from the coordinated entry project. Screenshot: The name of the Entry/Exit program will include the words "Coordinated Entry Assessment" or "Priority List" (A) and the Exit Date field will be empty (B). To create a new assessment update, click on the Interims icon (C). After completing the previous step, the client's housing program enrollment will have an Exit Date (D).
- Make sure to set your Enter Data as to the Housing Prioritization Assessment [CES] before you exit the client from the coordinated entry project.
- In the client's assessment, scroll down to the Coordinated Entry Event section and find your housing program's referral. Click on its edit pencil to open a referral pop-up window.
Screenshot: Check the Location of Housing Referral and Housing Provider Contact fields to locate your program's referral (A). The Date Referral Acknowledged, Referral Result, and Date of Result fields should all be filled out by this point (B). - Make the most accurate selection from the If Not Housed, Reason drop-down menu to explain why the client could not be housed. Then, enter the client's program Exit Date in the End Date field and click on Save.
PLEASE NOTE: This is the only circumstance in which an End Date should be added to a referral. Taking this step will signal to your Priority List Manager that the client should be considered for future housing opportunities.
- While still in the client's Coordinated Entry assessment, scroll down to the Current Living Situation section. If you know where they are currently staying, click on Add and record a new Current Living Situation value. Don't forget to add an End Date to the previous recorded value!
- When you are finished making updates, you can close the assessment.
- At this point, if you know that the client should not be considered for future housing opportunities through Coordinated Entry, you can remove them from the Priority List.
What Comes Next?
Recording a housing outcome is the final step in the Coordinated Entry process for housing providers.